الثلاثاء، 7 أغسطس 2012

The Daily Monitoring Report – Monday – 06-08-2012

The Daily Monitoring Report – Monday – 06-08-2012

 August 6th, 2012
Yesterday (Sunday), some 130 people were martyred at the hands of the Assad regime, mostly inDamascus, Damascus Suburbs, Deir Ez Zor and Idleb. In addition, activists said that a massacre was committed in the town ofHar Banfasa,Hama that was exposed to a heavy shelling on the part of the Assad battalions using many different kinds of weapons and missiles. (2)
Field situation
Demonstrations took place in many districts ofHama such as al-Karmeh, Bab Qabli, Fayhaa andAleppo Road, in addition to the towns of Kafr Zayta, Salamiyah, Al Lataminah and Al-Howaiz. As for Al-Haska governorate, many of its regions, such as Al Qamishli city, witnessed the eruption of demonstrations in which demonstrators shouting freedom slogans, and also called for supporting the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and toppling the Assad regime. (1) (2)
- Demonstrations erupted inDamascusin the neighborhoods of Bab Sraijeh near the police leadership station, andKhaled Bin Al Waleed Street. In addition, another demonstration was held from Zaid ibn Thabit Mosque and Rukn al-Din neighborhood. In Damascus Suburbs, many other demonstrations were staged in Douma, Harasta and Darayya in which the demonstrators called for stopping the military campaign launched by the Assad battalions against the districts of Tadamon and Yarmouk. (2)

Political Mobility:
- The Syrian National Council (SNC) accuses Al-Assad’s forces of bombing government buildings, some of which are of great historical and archaeological value inAleppo. The SNC described the Assad troop’s attacks on those sites as “behavior of occupiers and invaders.” (4)
Internal Situation:
- Marwan Abdel-Aal, a key figure in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, said that some 600 Palestinian families have arrived in Lebanon’s Palestinian refugee camps in the past three days, most of them fleeing violence at the Yarmouk Palestinian Refugee Camp in Damascus.” (4)

Activities of Civil Organizations:
- Ayman Mefleh, secretary-general of the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO), announced that tents of the camps sheltering Syrian refugees will be replaced with more than 80 caravans, as tents failed to endure the desert conditions. Mefleh added that “the number of refugees is on the rise. We work around the clock in order to meet their needs and provide them with all necessary humanitarian services.” (1)
- Some seven Moroccan military aircrafts carrying humanitarian aid to the Syrian refugees landed inJordanon Sunday. A Moroccan diplomatic source inAmmansaid the aid includes establishment of a surgical field hospital with all specialties. The aid also includes 60 tons of basic foodstuffs and 55 tons of rice and powdered milk for children. (1)
Political Stances
- The Jordanian government’s official spokesman Samih Al-Maaytah, minister of state for media affairs and communications, says the situation on the Jordanian border with Syria is stable thanks to efforts made by Jordan’s armed forces, stressing that Jordan will not interfere in the internal affairs of any neighboring country, and that it acts within the framework of the Arab and international efforts aiming to solve the crisis in Syria. (1)
- In a recent report, the “New York Times,” said the US Department of State and the Pentagon have already started planning for the “post-Assad” period, pointing out that the American officials take into consideration the violence and chaos resulted from the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, and see the situation in Iraq as a clear example of the errors that should be avoided in the future of Syria. (1)
-Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani accused theUnited Statesand regional countries, which he did not name, of providing military support to rebels fighting to topple the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. Larijani added, “The fire that has been ignited inSyriawill take the fearful with it,” wondering, “What really allows these countries to interfere inSyria’s internal affairs?” (1) (2) (3)
- German Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere ruled out military intervention inSyriaeven after the UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan announced his resignation. De Maiziere added, “The failure of diplomacy must not automatically bring about option of the military action.” (1) (2) (4)
-Germany’s Defense Minister Thomas De Maiziere calls on his government to continue providing humanitarian aid and logistic support for the Syrian opposition, pointing out to the risks involved in foreign military intervention inSyria. (2) (4)
- The British Foreign Office announces that it “seriously deals with information about the presence of British nationals among the foreign fighters inSyria.” A Foreign Office spokesman says, “We are closely monitoring the situation”. (4)
- A British photojournalist John Cantlie alleges that he and another Dutch photographer Jeroen Oerlemans were held by Islamist militants at a camp for a week. Cantlie said that some of the kidnappers are fromBritain, adding that the Jihadists in the camp were not fromSyria, but rather, “They were fromPakistan,Bangladesh, theUKandChechnya.” (4)

Asharq Al-Awsat
The AP
The Guardian
The Telegraph

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