الأحد، 5 أغسطس 2012

The Daily Monitoring Report – Sunday – 05-08-2012

The Daily Monitoring Report – Sunday – 05-08-2012

August 5th, 2012
- Yesterday, 139 people were martyred by the Assad battalions’ gunfire, mostly in Deir Al-Zour,Damascusand Rif Dimashq. Clashes between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Assad troops continued in several districts inDamascus, Daraa, Deir Al-Zour andAleppo. (2)
Field Mobility:
- Night demonstrations were staged in different areas ofSyria. InDamascus, people demonstrated in Al-Swaiqa, Yarmouk and Dummr districts, as well as Harasta and Douma in Rif Dimashq. They called for toppling the Assad regime and lifting the siege imposed onDeirAl-ZourCity. (2)

Political Mobility:
- Abdel-Basit Sida, head of the Syrian National Council (SNC), says “Bashar Al-Assad must step down, and, then, we will negotiate with the officials, who were not involved in the killing of the Syrian people,” adding, “We must close up ranks in order to abort the regime’s malicious plot.” Sida added that his visit to the Iraqi Kurdistan region comes within this context. (1)
- Haitham Al-Maleh, head of Board of Trustees of the Syrian Revolution, stresses the need for stopping what he called as the “Farce of sending international observers and envoys who are useless”. Al-Maleh added that the military solution imposed itself as an alternative to the political one now that the Syrian regime decided to meet the same fate of the former Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi. (1)
Internal situation

Last month was the deadliest in Syria since a revolt erupted in March last year, with about 1,000 people killed each week, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Saturday. “In July, at least 4,239 people were killed acrossSyria,” Rami Abdel Rahman, the director of the Britain-based watchdog, told AFP. In total, at least 21,000 people died in violence acrossSyria since March last year, he added (2) (4)
- Forty-eight Iranian pilgrims were kidnapped from a bus in the Syrian capital on Saturday, their embassy’s consular chief inDamascustoldIran’s state television. “Armed terrorist groups kidnapped 48 Iranian pilgrims on their way to the airport,” Majid Kamjou told the IRIB network, which gave the report on its website. It is worth mentioning that those Iranians were coming from Set Zaynab district, south of the Syrian capitalDamascus. In addition, the Syrian state TV asserted that news. (2) (3) (4)
Political stances

A military source with the Assad regime said that the governmental troops “purged” allDamascus’ districts of the armed men, claiming that the situation inDamascus is “excellent and stable”. He also added ” There are no armed men except in separated cases who transfer from place to another to show their presence.” (4)
- A senior Syrian security official said: “The battle forAleppohas not yet begun, and what is happening now is just the appetiser… the main course will come later.” He also added that the reinforcements are still heading towardsAleppo, asserting that at least 20,000 soldiers are existed on the ground there. Furthermore, he said “The other party is also sending reinforcements.” (4)
- Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim said “The six-point plan is over,” with reference to the former international envoy to Syria Kofi Annan’s plan, adding that “Arab nations will not accept a new envoy with the same mandate that was given to Annan,” bin Jassim said. He also added “The only acceptable designation is working on the peaceful transfer of power inSyria.” (1)
The European Union (EU) expressed concerns about the fact that the Lebanese authorities had expelled Syrians to their homeland. The EU also called on the Lebanese authorities to “protect the refugees”, as they are legally obligated not to hand over any citizen to a state in which he might be subjected to torture. (1) (4)
- The arming ofSyria’s rebels will have “very bad implications in the region,”Iran’s Defence Minister Ahmad Vahidi said on Saturday, according to state television. He added that “the region will face a major crisis if foreign forces, currently (covertly) present inSyria, enter the scene” and intervene militarily. “The losers of such a crisis will be the Westerners and pro-Zionist countries,” he predicted. (4)
Asharq Al-Awsat
The AP
The Guardian
The Telegraph

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