السبت، 11 أغسطس 2012

The Daily Monitoring Report – Saturday – 11-08-2012

The Daily Monitoring Report – Saturday – 11-08-2012

August 11th, 2012
- Yesterday, some 180 people were martyred, mostly inAleppo,Damascusand Rif Dimashq. The Free Syrian Army (FSA) controlled the Popular Army headquarters inAleppoCity, seizing 5,000 Kalashnikovs and a large amount of ammunition. (2)
Filed Mobility:
-Thousands of Syrians staged demonstrations after the Friday prayers, calling on the superpowers to arm the rebels with anti-aircraft weapons. (1)

Political Mobility:
- Ahmed Ramadan, a member of the Syrian National Council (SNC)’s Executive Office, confirms that the SNC has not receive any financial support from Britain or any Western or foreign country. (1)
Internal situation
The Free Syrian Army (FSA) discovered unknown 45 corpses in Salahuddin district, Aleppo that are believed to be the neighborhood’s inhabitants who refused to leave it. (1) (2)
Activities of Civil Organizations
- The United Nations (UN) announced that 150,000 Syrians fled fromSyriato the neighboring countries, until now, due to the current fighting there. (1)
Political stances
In a letter to the U.N. Security Council, the Syrian U.N. Ambassador Bashar Jaafari, accused Israel, the United States, Saudi Arabia and Qatar of running military operation centers in Turkey to support the rebels. “Turkey has established within its territory military operations centers that are run by the intelligence services ofIsrael, theUnited States,Saudi Arabia andQatar,” Jaafari wrote in the letter dated Aug. 2. (2) (3)
Two prominent Shiite clerics inLebanon, Mohammad Hassan al-Amin and Hani Fahs, issued a joint statement on Thursday calling onLebanon’s Shiites to support the popular uprising in neighboringSyria. “We call on [Lebanon’s Shiites to] support the Arab uprisings…particularly the Syrian [one] which will triumph, God willing.”  (1) (2)
- British Foreign Secretary William Hague announced intensifying diplomatic British contacts with the Syrian opposition that would receive extra equipment worth 6.3 million euros excluding weapons. (1) (2)
- The former Algerian foreign minister al-Akhdar al-Ibrahimi, nominated to succeed the former UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan, called on the UN Security Council’s members to adopt a unified stance on the conflict inSyria. (1) (2)
-Washingtonimposed sanctions against the Lebanese Hezbollah for providing support to Bashar Al-Assad’s regime. (1)
Asharq Al-Awsat
The AP
The Guardian
The Telegraph

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