الخميس، 2 أغسطس 2012

The Daily Monitoring Report – Thursday – 02-08-2012

The Daily Monitoring Report – Thursday – 02-08-2012

 August 2nd, 2012
- Yesterday, 144 people were martyred by the Assad troops’ gunfire, mostly in Rif Dimashq,Aleppo, Idlib and Deir Al-Zour. Al-Assad’s forces carried out a new massacre in Artouz district, which claimed 50 lives. The Free Syrian Army (FSA) attackedMenghAirport. Fierce clashes between the Syrian government army and the Jordanian army on the borders. (2) (4)

Political Mobility:
- Mahmud Mustafa Qonifida, chairman of the central authority for control and inspection inLatakiaCity, announced his defection from the Syrian regime and joined the revolutionary mobility, accusing the regime of hindering the growth and development ofSyriaover four decades. (2)
- The Syrian National Council (SNC) announced several areas inSyriaas “war-torn”, including Deir Al-Zour whose martyrs hit some 1,000 martyrs during the last month. The SNC called on relief organizations to move and rescue people. (2)
- Burhan Ghalioun, former chairman of the Syrian National Council, said, “It is shameful to race for forming governments by the time the revolutionaries contest decisive battles on the ground”, expressing regret that opposition activist Hitham Al-Maleh took such a step without consulting senior opposition figures. (1)
- Demonstrations were staged in Marea, Darat Azza and Qobtan Al-Jabal towns. Other demonstrations were organized inHoms’s Al-Waar neighborhood calling for toppling the regime. The demonstrators condemned the military campaign launched by the regime against Deir Al-Zour andAleppocities. (2)

Activities of Civil Organizations:
- Amnesty International issued a report accusing the Syrian government forces of committing human rights violations inAleppo, adding that the assault by government forces on the city ofAleppois the culmination of months of a brutal crackdown against dissident voices. (2)
Political Stances
- Addressing the armed forces on the 67th anniversary of the Syrian army’s foundation via the army’s “People’s Army” magazine, Bashar al-Assad says “The Army is engaged in “heroism and honor battles” against “the enemy”. Our battle is against a multifaceted enemy with clear goals. This battle will determine the destiny of our people and the nation’s past, present and future.” (1) (4)

- Nabil Al-Arabi, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, welcomesFrance’s call for holding an urgent UN Security Council meeting onSyria. Al-Arabi called on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities and stop the tragedy suffered by the Syrians. (1)
- The Algerian government instructed local officials to provide the necessary care for thousands of Syrian refugees who fled toAlgeriaover the few past weeks to escape the war. Moreover, the Algerian government formed “ministerial group” to discuss the Syrian refugees’ conditions. (1)
- Sausan Ghosheh, spokeswoman for the UN observer mission, said that the Syrian regular army uses warplanes to bombard the city ofAleppo, pointing out that the “armed opposition” inAleppohas heavy weapons, including tanks. Ghosheh added, “We are very concerned about the heavy fighting inAleppo.” (4)
- US informed sources said that President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing American support for the rebel fighters seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government. The sources added Obama’s order broadly permits the CIA and otherUSagencies to provide support that could help the rebels oust Al-Assad. The White House spokesperson declined tom comment on the news (3)
- TheUSDepartment of State said that the American Administration had set aside a total of $25 million for “non-lethal” assistance to the Syrian opposition, which was mostly for communications equipment, including encrypted radios. (3)
- Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu is arriving in Erbil to hold talks with the Region’s President and officials, which focus mainly on developments of the Syrian situation, particularly with regard to Kurdish areas inSyriaand the situation on the common border. Davutoglu will meet with leaders of the Syrian Kurdish parties who are awaiting arrival of Abdul-Basit Sida, head of the Syrian National Council (SNC). (1)
- Czech Foreign Ministry said, “Following a request from the United States, the Czech Republic has agreed to represent US consular interests in Syria”, pointing out to the possibility of closing its embassy according to development of the situation. It is worth mentioning that theUnited Stateshas shut down its embassy inDamascuslast February. (4)
- After taking over the presidency of the United Nations Security Council, the French government said it is due to define its plans to give fresh UN Security Council impetus to end the diplomatic deadlock in the Syrian aggravated conflict, adding that if will call for urgent action. (3)
- President Vladimir Putin will strongly defendRussia’s position on theSyriaconflict when he meets British Prime Minister David Cameron inLondon, Putin’s spokesperson said. The spokesperson dismissed comments that Putin had called on Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to step down. (4)

Asharq Al-Awsat
The AP
The Guardian
The Telegraph

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