الثلاثاء، 7 أغسطس 2012

The Daily Monitoring Report – Tuesday – 07-08-2012

The Daily Monitoring Report – Tuesday – 07-08-2012

 August 7th, 2012
- Some 176 people were martyred by the Assad forces’ gunfire, mostly inAleppo, Rif Dimashq and Deir Al-Zour. The Free Syrian Army (FSA) shot down helicopter inAleppo. Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab has defected from President Bashar Al-Assad’s government to join the revolution, which is considered the most important defection since the outbreak of the Syrian revolution in March, 2011. (2)

Political Mobility:
- Mohammed El-Etri, spokesperson for Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab, who defected from the Syrian regime and fled toJordanwith his family and the families of his brothers, said that Hijab defected from Al-Assad’s regime and joined that Syrian revolution. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
- El-Etri unveiled that Hijab has been planning for the defection since he was appointed in his position last June, noting that Hijab was forced to choose between accepting the position of prime minister and being killed. He added that the FSA helped Hijab to flee toJordan. He was accompanied by ten families, including those of his eight brothers; some of them are officials in the ministries of petroleum and environment. (2) (4)
- Abdul Basit Sida, chairman of the Syrian National Council (SNC), welcomed Hijab’s defection, considering it an indication to the erosion of the Syrian regime from inside. (4)
- The SNC accused Al-Assad’s regime of carrying out a massacre, which claimed 40 lives and left 120 injured people in the smallvillageofHarbanfasainHama’s countryside. The SNC added that this came within the framework of a “clear sectarian displacement” policy, hinting at the displacement of Sunni people. (2) (4)
- Basma Qodmani, spokesperson for the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC), said thatQatarandSaudi Arabiasupply the Syrian opposition with weapons, but the opposition has no state-of-the-art weapons that enable them to confront the Assad forces. She emphasized that the rebels look for weapons from anywhere. (4)
- Ali Sadreddine Al-Bayanoni, deputy mentor of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, writes in the Guardians, “The Muslim Brotherhood seek safe future for all Syrians.”, adding, “Those who want to defame our noble revolution are defaming those who sacrificed their souls for democracy” (6)
- A bloc alleging that it represents the Syrian defected diplomats announced its bias towards the Syrian opposition against Bashar Al-Assad. The bloc called for transferring power to an authority that “represents the Syrian people”. It urges more diplomats to join them. (1) (2) (3)
- Major Maher Al-Naaymee, media spokesperson for the FSA, said that the FSA managed to control crucial districts and sophisticated missiles, adding that 15 helicopters are at the FSA service after the defection of their pilots. He added that some 7,000 elements of Horan Brigade are now in the heart ofDamascusto help liberating the city. The defection of Brigade 18 played an important part in weakening Division 4 of the regular army. (1)

Internal Situation:
- the UN observers, 20 in number, returned to the headquarters of the United Nations Mission in Damascus after they had stationed in Aleppo at the end of last week. Josephine Guerrero, a spokeswoman for the U.N.’s Department of Peacekeeping Operations, says “It is a temporary transfer due to deterioration of security conditions.” (2)
Political Stances:
- Government of Bashar Al-Assad belittled the defection of Prime Minister Riad Hijab, Omran Al-Zoubi, Al-Assad’s minister of information, claims that the defections will have no impact on the policy of the Assad regime, which was seen as an implicit recognition by the Assad regime of the defection of Hijab. (2) (4)
- King of Jordan Abdullah II says the time is “running out to reach political transition period” inSyria. He stressed that the Assad regime “is unable to bring about change.” (4)
- There have discrepancies inJordan’s reports about the arrival of the defected Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab toJordan. Jordanian Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications Samih Maaytah, spokesman for the government, said yesterday that Hijab had not entered the Jordanian territories until yesterday afternoon, while informed sources confirmed that Hejab and seven of his brothers have already arrived inJordan. (1)
- The Lebanese judiciary issued a ruling not to hand over any Syrian opposition to the Assad regime pursuant to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment signed byLebanon. The ruling caused fierce political row inLebanon, especially among supporters of Al-Assad’s regime. (1)
- Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, said information that senior officials in the Assad regime, including the Prime Minister Riad Hijab, had defected, is a new sign that Al-Assad lost control ofSyria, adding that the Syrian people believe Al-Assad’s days are numbered. (2) (4)
- French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius considers the defection of the Syrian Prime Minister Ridad Hijab as an evidence of fragility of a regime that’s losing support through its choice of armed violence, adding that “Franceis convinced the Assad regime is doomed.” (4) (5)
-Germanysays the defection of Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab indicates the rapid “erosion” of the regime of President Bashar Al-Assad. (4)
- ThreeUSsenators have called for directUSmilitary aid to the “Syrian rebels”, including the use ofUSair power to protect rebel-held areas inSyria. (2) (4)
- The Iranian Armed Forces Chief Seyed Hassan Firouzabadi warnedTurkey,QatarandSaudi Arabiaagainst helpingWashington’s “war-raging goals” inSyria. Firouzabadi added that the three countries are responsible for the blood that is being spilled inSyria. (3)
Asharq Al-Awsat
The AP
The Guardian
The Telegraph

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