السبت، 28 يوليو 2012

The Daily Monitoring Report – Wednesday – 04-07-2012

The Daily Monitoring Report – Wednesday – 04-07-2012

                                                                            July 4th, 2012
- Yesterday (Tuesday), more than 71 people were martyred at the hands of Assad battalions, mostly in Rif Dimashq and Daraa. Moreover, various Syrian regions witnessed heavy shelling such as Deir Ez Zor,Homsand Daraa, in addition to Irbin, Harasta and Hamoryah in Rif Dimashq. (2) (4)
- Since this dawn, some 15 people were martyred by the Assad troops, mostly in Daraa and Idleb. (2)
Field Situation  
- Evening demonstrations erupted across the country such asAleppo,Damascus, Al-Haska and Idleb last night. Add to that, Assad battalions opened fire on a mass demonstration in Al-Midan district,Damascus. (1) (2)
Political Mobility
- Cairo Syrian opposition conference issued a consensual document defining the common political vision of the Syrian opposition about challenges of transitional period, and the National Covenant document that sets constitutional foundations for future Syria; justice, democracy and pluralism. (1) (2) (4)
- The conference’s final document calls on all components of the Syrian people to work on protection of civil peace and national unity. The document stresses full support for the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and all the forms of revolutionary mobility. The document added “the desired change inSyriawill only be brought about by free will of the Syrian revolutionary people.” (1) (2) (4)
- The final document stresses the need to develop a binding mechanism for protecting civilians, as well as a timetable for immediate implementation of all resolutions made by the UN Security Council and the Arab League. (1) (2) (4)
- The Syrian opposition conference unanimously approved all the final document’s items, except for “The Kurdish people” and “The Turkmen people” terms. The conference also approved full and equal rights for Kurds, Turkmen, Assyrians and all spectra of the Syrian people according to the citizenship principle, a topic which needs further consideration by various parties of the Syrian opposition. (2)
- The Syrian opposition conference held inCairois witnessing differences, as the Kurdish National Council of Syria and some other Kurdish parties stormed out of the conference, as the final document did not include “The Kurdish people” and “The Turkmen people” terms. (1) (2) (4)
- The conference, hosted by the Arab League inCairo, sees more splits. The Syrian Revolution General Commission also withdrew from the conference, which the Free Syrian Army (FSA) boycotted and described it as a conspiracy. (2)
- Suheir Al-Atassi, representative of the Syrian Revolution General Commission for political and relief affairs, refuted reports about the withdrawal of Commission from the Syrian opposition conference held inCairo. (2)
Internal Situation
- Last night, over 1,100 Syrian refugees crossed borders intoJordan, which is highest number of refugees to fledSyriasince the outbreak of protests last year. (2)
Activities of Civil Organizations
- The Human Rights Watch says the Assad regime is pursuing a policy of torture against civilians that amounts to a crime against humanity,” which requires referring the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court (ICC). (1) (2) (3)
Political Stances
- Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has told the Turkish Cumhuriyet newspaper that he wished his forces had not shot down a Turkish jet on June 22nd and that he would not allow tensions between the neighboring countries to turn into war. (1) (2) (3) (4)
- The Lebanese street is currently witnessing a state of concern about lists including names of key politicians threatened to be assassinated. Question marks hang over such lists and their relation to the current political tension and situation inSyria. (2)
- Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the UN-Arab league envoy Kofi Annan’s mediation role means that the opposition would not have to negotiate with Bashar Al-Assad under the transition plan, adding, “I believe that accepting theGenevastatement would be a positive thing from the opposition.” (3)
- The UN-Arab league envoy Kofi Annan said the Geneva meeting witnessed “shift” in the positions of Russia and China on Syria, adding, It’s imperative that we get a ceasefire” in Syria. Annan called on the parties concerned to implement the agreement reached inGeneva, saying, “Commitments made inGenevawere genuine and if applied as promised will have an effect on the dynamics on the ground.” (1) (4)
- After a meeting with his German counterpart Guido Westerwelle, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius saidRussiawill not send a representative to the “Friends of Syria” meeting to be held inParis. Fabius added, “Russiawas invited. It let it be known that it did not want to participate, which was not a surprise.” (2) (3) (4) (6)
- According to a statement of theÉlyséePalace, French President Francois Hollande said he is in favor of setting up a “transitional body” inSyria“approved by the Syrian opposition.”
- Abdullah Al-Mulhim, member of the Syrian National Council (SNC) for families ofHoms, said that the spark of the revolution came from mosques, saying, “In spite of the fact that we call for a civil state, we should not forget that more than 80% of the Syrian people are Muslims.” (5)
- Victoria Nuland, spokesperson for the US Department of State, welcomed the Cairo Syrian opposition conference’s success in bringing together all Syrian opposition spectra. (5)
Asharq Al-Awsat
The AP
The Guardian
The Telegraph

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